Autumn 2023 / Quest

Trailer: In Tété’s Footsteps

by Erik Jaråker

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This story has been published in the 2023 Pathfinder Issue of Hidden Compass. While every story has a single byline, the issue is a collaborative effort. Storyteller proceeds from all patronage campaigns in this issue will go collectively to Team Tété on top of their article pay.




In Tété’s Footsteps, the first-ever Hidden Compass-backed documentary, follows our 2023 Pathfinder team on their award-winning expedition across Greenland. The film is a nominee for best documentary short at Cannes World Film Festival, and an official selection at the New York International Film Awards and The North Film Festival. Sign up for our email list to get news about the documentary’s online premiere in August 2024!

Erik Jaråker

Erik Jaråker is the Pathfinder Prize-winning videographer and drone pilot for “In Tété’s Footsteps: A Cultural Expedition in Greenland.”

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Trailer: In Tété’s Footsteps

Erik Jaråker

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