Kelly A. Harrison
Kelly A. Harrison, losing track of all the amazing things she’s done, thanks the gods for digital photos and Adobe products.

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Time Travel
The Walls We Build
From Berlin to the US-Mexico border, Kelly A. Harrison contemplates the walls we build and the people who try to cross them….
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About the Journalist
Kelly A. Harrison, MFA, is a writer, editor, writing instructor, and amateur photographer living in San José, California, where she raised three kids to adulthood. She teaches at Stanford University and is an Emerita Lecturer from San José State University. Her favorite travels involve wildlife contacts (diving with mantas, swimming with dolphins, whale watching for starters), hiking places like Mauna Loa or Yosemite, and visiting museums, markets, and historical sites, mostly in European cities. She’s stepped foot in five continents so far and hopes to get to the other two soon. She has attended the premier writing conference, Bread Loaf, in Vermont and can’t wait to return to the amazing Travel Writers Conference led by Don George and Tim Cahill. Her creative works and book reviews have appeared in literary and academic journals and anthologies, including Reed Magazine, TWO@SJSU, and Celebrate Creativity. She edited West Winds Centennial, an anthology of creative writing. She’s the associate editor at West Trade Review.