Ella Calland

Bristol-based writer and photographer Ella Calland’s passion for the power of stories has inspired her to document her trips around the world. Her 35mm photography seeks out the cinematic in the everyday.

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About the Journalist

Writer and photographer Ella Calland has been fascinated by the power of story for as long as she can remember. Studying English Literature and Film Studies at the University of Sussex, she became aware of how it can shift perspectives and influence change.

Based in Bristol, Ella has worked for local magazines such as Bristol24/7 and Rife Magazine writing across arts & culture. Her passion for travel writing and photography inspired her to document her trips across the world, with her work being featured by CineStill, VIP and Shoot Film Magazine.

Ella’s 35mm photography seeks out the cinematic in the everyday, using natural light to capture the essence of a place. By homing in on the details, colors and people that evoke the story of each destination she travels to, Ella creates striking and atmospheric imagery that transports you to the moment she clicked the photograph.

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