Intrepid Interludes: Pitches

Watch story pitches from Hidden Compass storyteller in residence Pier Nirandara. Allies vote to decide which ones we publish.

Welcome to Intrepid Interludes! Each quarter, our storyteller in residence will pitch three stories. Two will be published in the months between our regular issues. Which two? Allies decide. Meet current storyteller in residence Pier Nirandara, and watch her story pitches below. Allies, sign in and vote for your favorite below. We’ll assign the two stories that receive the most votes.

Summer 2024 Pitches

Climbing in Bhutan

Hidden Compass Storyteller in Residence, Pier Nirandara, pitches a story about her time rock climbing in Bhutan and her own Buddhist upbringing.

Watch Pitch

Wintering in Antarctica

Our storyteller in residence, Pier Nirandara, pitches a story about her expeditions to Antarctica and the universality of the idea of ”wintering.“

Watch Pitch

Diving in Cape Town

Hidden Compass Storyteller in Residence, Pier Nirandara pitches a story about her experiences in Cape Town and the wild that lives within and without.

Watch Pitch
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