Casi Gail Fordham

Case Gail Fordham has always believed watercolor is how we see in our dreams. So maybe her work can be described as fantastically realistic.

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Headshot of a young, smiling woman wearing a black hat and gazing to her right.
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About the Artist

Casi Gail Fordham is a long-time resident of Asheville, North Carolina, and member of the River Arts community. She is a self taught artist with a knack for working with her hands. If she isn’t painting or knitting, she’s chasing her young son, Wilder, the inspiration for much of her work. Her studio is located at Wedge Studios in the heart of Asheville’s River Arts District.

Casi fell in love with watercolor as a medium because it’s how she sees in her dreams. Her paintings bring the charm of the natural world indoors. She’s always had a strong connection to the woodland life, and its treasures; to capture their uniqueness is the gift that defines her art. She hopes to inspire others to see the magic in fauna and flora with her work and to give a renewed appreciation for the greatness we call nature in the Blue Ridge Mountains.


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